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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Take a look at our handy checklist to see how you can easily and efficiently get it done at home:

Homeowner essentials

When that cool breeze gets replaced by warmer days, we often turn our attention to the annual ritual of spring cleaning. While tidying up the house is undoubtedly important, it's equally crucial not to overlook essential maintenance tasks for your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. Neglecting these can lead to reduced efficiency, increased energy bills, and even costly repairs down the line. To help you prepare your HVAC system for the upcoming season, here's a checklist for spring cleaning.

1. Change Air Filters:

Start your HVAC spring cleaning by replacing the air filters. Over time, filters become clogged with dust, pollen, and other contaminants, hindering airflow and reducing efficiency. Replace them according to the manufacturer's recommendations, usually every 1-3 months, or more frequently if you have pets or allergies.

2. Clean Air Vents and Registers:

Dust and debris tend to accumulate on air vents and registers, obstructing airflow and diminishing indoor air quality. Use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth to remove any buildup. Ensure that vents are not blocked by furniture or other obstructions, allowing for proper air circulation.

3. Check Ductwork:

If you're able to safely access your duct system, inspect your ductwork for any signs of leaks, gaps, or damage. Sealing leaks can significantly improve energy efficiency and indoor comfort. Contact us today to schedule a seasonal check-up where we can identify any issues.

4. Inspect Outdoor Unit:

Carefully examine the outdoor condenser unit for any debris, such as leaves, branches, or dirt, that may have accumulated during the winter months. Clear away any obstructions and trim back vegetation to ensure proper airflow. You may also want to hose down the unit to remove stubborn grime and dirt. Maintaining a proper clearance around your unit helps us access it and keeps it clean and running smoothly.

5. Test Thermostat:

Verify that your thermostat is functioning correctly by switching between heating and cooling modes. Replace the batteries if necessary and consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat for added convenience and energy savings.

6. Schedule Professional Maintenance:

While many tasks can be performed by homeowners, it's advisable to schedule a professional HVAC maintenance service at least once a year. A qualified technician can perform a thorough inspection, identify any potential issues, and tune up your system for optimal performance. Our maintenance plans start at $125 per year and include 2 visits.

7. A Note About Duct Cleaning:

Why don't we do duct cleaning? Because the process may damage your ducts depending on the type you have. The majority of the homes we service are constructed with flex duct in their duct systems. Traditional duct cleaning machines use a brush and vacuum method to remove dust and debris from inside the air ducts. A rotating brush physically loosens the dust, which the vacuum then removes. Flex duct is an insulated, flexible ducting material and the brush bristles will damage or puncture the duct. Traditional duct cleaning machines are better suited for use on rigid or spiral metal duct systems. Call us today if you suspect your flex ducts may have significant dust or debris, we can discuss filtration or replacement options.

By following this spring cleaning HVAC checklist, you can ensure that your heating and cooling system is ready to tackle the changing seasons efficiently and reliably. Remember, when in doubt, don't hesitate to consult with a professional HVAC technician for expert advice and assistance. Happy cleaning!

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